Five Links 9/27/19 Loleta Abi


Five Links 9/27/19

Loleta Abi


1. “Learning to write well is tough. Getting published is tougher. And selling your published books is tougher still.

Nevertheless, we persist. Most writers feel compelled to write, and usually nothing can stop us.

But we can be waylaid, distracted, and seriously discouraged. Some of us can’t write for years because of devastating “creativity wounds” and body-blows to our self-esteem. Misguided and untrained beta readers and critique groups can also kill a writer’s creativity. 

Others quit writing after horrific experiences with scam publishing companies and bogus agents. I have written often about the publishing scammers who lie in wait for newbie writers. Do check out my posts on scams, and always check Writer Beware. Scammers can break your heart as well as emptying your bank account.

I’ve also heard from several authors who put their writing on hiatus after sadistic troll attacks derailed a fledgling writing career.  (We had some great” My ex was like that. It took me many years to recover and write again. Don’t let anyone steal your joy, your creativity.

2. “One of the biggest challenges I’ve had to get to grips with since becoming a full-time author is how to fit physical activity into my life. When writing was a stolen pleasure – an hour or two in an evening – it was never a problem. But once I was given the opportunity I’d always dreamed of, to make my living from making up stories, I soon discovered what a physical toll it took on me if I followed my inclination and simply sat and wrote for hours each day.

Like many writers, my true bliss is often to be found sitting down – reading, writing, dreaming up stories, chatting with a friend (very often about reading, and writing and stories!). Writing deadlines add to the compulsion.

But the creative engine is a sensitive and finely-balanced system. It depends on many things to function at its best: inspiration, good health, equilibrium and a sense of magic to name but a few.

For me, the solution is walking. I’ve always loved nature. As a child I would get lost in Enid Blyton’s Mistletoe Farm, Colin Dann’s Farthing Wood, William Horwood’s Duncton Wood.”

3. “I talk to my wonderful mother on the phone every night. We talk about everything from health to books to psychology to faith to whatever might be making us grumpy at the moment. This week while discussing health and diet, she shared something she’d read that said she was now at the beginning of the Third Act of her life. According to the same math (every thirty years equals an act), I’m at the beginning of my Second Act.

Naturally, as a storyteller and story theorist, this language appeals to me. It made me think about how my thirties are the opportunity not just for a deepening of my story, but for a new beginning of sorts. I quite like the idea of thinking of myself not as a thirty-three-year-old who is supposed to (and doesn’t) have it all together, but rather as if this were my second time to be an innocent, expectant, wonder-filled three-year-old—who just happens to have”

4. “Way too often writers start their novels in the wrong place. With a scene that does the premise a disservice.

The setup is tricky but essential to nail. You have to be concise, succinct, and deliberate regarding what you show and tell about your character. Because . . . you don’t want to take a whole lot of time (numerous chapters) to do this.

Little bits, small tells, that quickly get your reader on board with your protagonist. You need the following:

  1. Descriptive details to indicate gender, age, possibly occupation, and pertinent aspects of appearance and demeanor and personality.
  2. A sense of something missing or out of place in the character’s life—either physically or spiritually—which I call the hint of the core need.
  3. Indication of the motivation in the character—what’s driving him at this point in his life and what factors are influencing him. The moment your character shows up on the scene, he should be in pursuit of something. He wants, but he’s not just sitting around wanting it. He’s already up in motion, pursuing it.”

5. “A few months ago, I shared how I’m trying an experimental solution to fix a recurring infection that’s been disintegrating my jawbone. As I mentioned last month, the super-rare metal my surgeon used to trick my bone into regrowing doesn’t play well with x-rays, which made it impossible to confirm whether the bone had healed or not.

But during surgery last week, my surgeon was able to confirm that the experiment passed all his tests. Yay!

However, I now have a significant recovery ahead of me, as my surgeon did All. The. Things. in hopes that this was the last surgery of the rebuilding process. After 3 1/2 years, I might finally be getting close to being done (assuming the infection doesn’t come back *fingers crossed*).

All that made me think of how we often struggle to ever call many projects done. Especially if we self-publish, many of our writing projects are never-ending, and that can lead to problems.

Traditional Publishing: Then vs. Now…”

Research & Fun Bits:

1. “Since 2014, I have published almost 1,500 posts on my blog. I am grateful to you all, not just for your visits and comments, but also for letting me be part of such an awesome writing community.

When I first published my books, I could never have imagined the level of support I would get from so many people. People who rapidly went from virtual (pun intended) strangers to close friends.

Through the years, a great number of you have told me how much this blog has helped you with your own book marketing or writing.

That gave me an idea. Today, I’d like to hear a little more about you. That way, I can better tailor my posts to your needs, instead of writing about whatever tickles my fancy. So, if you could answer a few questions, you’d be helping me help you more.”





Some Things More Seriosu:






Teaser Fiction & Poetry:






Book Reviews, Cover Reveals, & Author Interviews:

1. “Carolyn, Bronnie, Elise, and Kendall are bound together by one thing – their four daughters are best friends at the highly competitive Orla Flynn Academy for the Performing Arts.

Imogen Curwood is a new girl at the Academy and her behaviour is odd from the start. On the day she arrives, bad things start to happen. As one threatening incident follows another, the four mothers begin to ask themselves: are their girls in danger?

When an attempted murder rocks the school, Imogen is pleased to report that she has an alibi. If she isn’t the guilty party, someone else must be.

2. “Got a big treat for everyone today.  C.S. Boyack has release a new book (linked below) and he’s asked Lisa Burton to come over for a guest post.  Many people probably know who she is from her previous visits.  For those that do not, she is a very advanced robot girl . . . who is currently waiting for me to open the door.”




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7 responses to “Five Links 9/27/19 Loleta Abi”

  1. Many thanks for the share and the great links! Sharing 🙂

    1. You’re welcome, Nicholas!

  2. Reblogged this on Nicholas C. Rossis and commented:
    With Friday come the writing links of the week 🙂

  3. Reblogged this on Wilfred Books and commented:
    Friday. Five links. Free!

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