Five Links 3/8/19 Loleta Abi


Five Links 3/8/19

Loleta Abi


1. “Many aspects of publishing—including arrangements with authors, agents, illustrators, freelancers, employees, printers, binders, and distributors—involve contracts. The terms of a contract vary depending on the situation, but in every case, the nature of legally binding agreements is the same. Here are three common forms of contract.”

2. “This is not a trick. Okay, maybe it’s a little tricky, but it demonstrates something very important. Trying doesn’t get things done. It isn’t a thing. There is only doing. *insert Yoda here*”

3. “But, broadly speaking, your villain is the source of that conflict. They put obstacles in the way of your hero, and they force your hero to make do or die decisions. And that is why you need a villain. So it doesn’t matter which genre you’re in, the thing that they all have in common is that the villains are the source of conflict.”

4. “Not too many years ago, I thought an accurately portrayed scene naturally caused readers to experience the emotions that the characters would logically feel in such situations. Not true!”

5. “Writing a book.  To be quite honest, the thought had never entered my mind; I’d never written anything other than personal prose or patient charts that were never meant to see the light of day.  The idea was so remote that it would’ve been, as in the Twilight Zone monologue, like “opening a door into a fifth dimension of thought and sound, as timeless as space, as vast as infinity.” But once the possibility was introduced to me,  I had one reaction: exposing the secrets that lay hidden within my Soul sent chills racing through the recesses of my very being. I couldn’t let it go, though — once unearthed…the thought simply would not leave me alone!”

Research & Fun Bits:

1. “My local police department runs an annual citizen’s academy designed to provide insight into the operation of local law enforcement and (I suspect) as a way of counteracting some of the many misconceptions that abound about the police. This year, despite the fact that I don’t write contemporary mysteries or police procedurals, I decided to enroll – figuring, hey you just never know (research is research after all, and inspiration can strike anywhere, anytime!). This free program is 12 weeks long (yes, you read that correctly!) and for three hours each week we learn about the whole range of operations: from patrol procedures, evidence/crime lab and computer forensics, investigations, 911 center operations, to the K9 unit, traffic and the local jail. We also get CPR certification as well as a firearms training (which should be interesting given how gun-averse I am!) and a chance to do a ride-along as well as a 911 ‘sit-along’.”





Some Things More Serious:






Teaser Fiction & Poetry:






Book Reviews, Cover Reveals, & Author Interviews:

1. “In a rural English village in the middle of a snowstorm, the unthinkable happens: the school is under siege.”

2. “Meet Wanda Wayfair, a young woman whose heritage stems from a long line of witches. There’s only one problem. It appears, she didn’t inherit the witch gene. Wanda is what you would call an unempowered witch. At this point in her life, she’s given up all hope of ever possessing any witchy abilities. Even Accounting sounds like a decent option.”




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2 responses to “Five Links 3/8/19 Loleta Abi”

  1. Hugs for sharing, dear Traci. ❤

    1. You’re welcome, Colleen!

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